Quickies #4, Hiring Talent
Now enjoying my status as a sage of the industry, which is to say I am older than 20, but alas, not a billionaire, God fuck-it; people are all the time asking me for nuggets of wisdom from my vast experience at the top. Quickies from marcf #4: More on hiring talent. K.D asks: "Marc, my company is growing and I need to hire people across the organization, how do I go about recruiting the right talent". Answer: "K.D. hiring the right people into your organization is important. Don't start hiring too early or you will lose money on a cash flow basis and you won't be able to sustain growth without more VC money and dilution. Don't hire too late, you will lose out on your opportunity. Employ pay-as-go if you have the luxury. But most important: HIRE "A" PLAYERS and tap their network. In the classic dictum of the industry: "A players attract A players, B players attract C players". At JBoss we had 3 cultures interwoven: 1- an historical JBos...