Quickies #2, raiding JBoss employees

Now enjoying my status as a sage of the industry, which is to say I am older than 20, but alas, not a billionaire, God fuck-it; people are all the time asking me for nuggets of wisdom from my vast experience at the top.

Quickies from marf #3: Raiding JBoss employees

A. Z. writes: "marcf, can you help me recruit some of your ex-employees?"

Answer: "A., I can't do that, contractually"

The next day A. Z. responds: "marcf, here is a list my HR director has compiled from your linked in profile. He wants introductions to the following..."

1- What part of "I can't do that" do you not understand?
2- And I want a 20 year old with big boobs, but that ain't happening either.
3- I don't work for you, I don't know you, you never did shit for me in the past, I don't owe you.

The old me would have told you to "SMD", now do me a favor and piss off.

With lock-ups expiring soon, this is inspired by more than just A.Z. You all know who you are, feel free to take it personally.


Bill Pyne said…
Kind of funny that you've had success and now people want to create success for themselves simply by mimicking you. Behind the brilliant loonies at JBoss was a madman working hard to keep them marching towards the same goal without killing one another or the product line.

Back in the day there was a phrase for this: Vapor Victim.
adt43wt342 said…

yes, funny. I had never heard of "vapor victim" but that is a good one. A.Z was also the guy that asked a journalist friend if he could have the "fleury treatment". Funny.
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