Oil vs GDP

Reading through a report on oil. Fascinating. The graph above gives some basis for the supply/demand crunch and some support to peak-oil claims. Efficiency is increasing so offsets a bit the increasing gap, but there it is...


Anonymous said…
The premier energy blog ... www.theoildrum.com ... one can learn a lot on this topic there.
adt43wt342 said…
Yeah, I read it, excellent blog. I posted this as this was a clear proof to me that not ALL pricing was speculation, there is serious proof in here for all-peak.

If that is true then it is further proof that speculation overshoots as it behaves non-linearly. Then speculation is not the devil but rather a random walk around a mean with amplification and liquidity. Liquidity is good.
Anonymous said…
Being a total noob on finance, I'm wondering if world growth will be tagged to how fast the economy can move to more efficient cars/appliances/homes. Alternative energy is still too expensive, but the tech is here for cars/appliances/homes.

On a related note, wife and I went looking at hybrid vehicles last weekend. Toyota has a back order of > 100 for Prius and > 50 for Hybrid Highlander. So, if you want one, you actually have to order them and there's a 3-6 month waiting list.

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