Icahn defines "CEO"

"The CEO is the fraternity brother type who is great to have a drink with. He's a survivor and maybe not all that smart, but he works his way up the ladder in the corporation. And if you're a survivor, you never have someone beneath you who's smarter than you... You have someone a little dumber than you underneath, and eventually we'll have morons running everything ... which we're getting closer to."
-- Carl Icahn



Chris Sivori said…
There's also a tendency for smart people to not work for individuals they cannot respect intellectually. Dumb CEO's may not like smarter people under them, but the reverse is also true.
Chris Sivori said…
Also, please source this quotation. I'd like to see what else Icahn said.

Given the recent BEA drama, do you think Icahn is in contact with Oracle at all?
Roy Russo said…
I think Marc just made the point that he was the smartest guy at JBoss.

I was somewhere on-par with the guy that would come in every month and restock the paper-clips and pencils.
adt43wt342 said…

he, I think the Peter's principle is a more general rule that says "you get promoted until you can't get promoted further". It is a systemic argument whose conclusion is that companies overtime will reach a paralyzing steady state with incompetence at every level.

You can deal with the Peter's principle with rules such as layoffs in the bottom 20% or dynamic HR policies that make sure no one gets too entrenched.

Icahn quote is more narrow and focuses on the damage a "dumb" CEO can do to his own organization by the necessity of his own survival. It is a chilling picture.
adt43wt342 said…

sorry I lifted that from an argument that didn't source this. Also I am too lazy to use google, my arms are tired.
adt43wt342 said…

Seriously though, I think that part of being a good CEO is letting people who are good at their job do their job. Get the best out of them, don't fight it. I never really had anything to tell a guy like "Rob Bearden" if you know what I mean.

I view this statement as more of a variant of the "David Skok" rule of people in startups:
"A players attract other A players, B players attract C players".

This statement is narrowly defining "B players WANT C players around them" which usually results in broken cultures.
douglas dooley said…
fyi, sorry to bug about additional Glassfish 'noise'...

ermanno_cavalli said…
Hi Marc, Hi Juha, how are things going? do you remember me? I have recently attended the BEA World in Barcelona, because of my new job, but I found it very boring, compared to the JBoss World editions that I attended, in Atlanta and Las Vegas. Alfred speech was also very cold, definitely not the kind of passion that you would expect from a CEO and founder.
adt43wt342 said…
It's the parties man, its the parties.
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