A word in for MGS4

MetalGearSolid 4 is a great game. I too vote for it. For those of you who want to take some time off, this is a good game.

I wasn't a big fan of the series but this one, 4, is very good.

The story is really a movie, with a thick SF book plot. Essentially warfare is an economic proposition, the war economy is essentially a short on a existing economy. The troops are all linked in a classic japanese net based operations. It is well done, even though I am seriously warming up to the format of watching a movie with some killer fight scenes in it. The evasion is good and it works, you get into character. It reminded me of a well done Assassin's Creed for the fluidity of movement. Favorite weapon, stun gun. Deadly effective and silent.

Treat yourselves. Those of you that still don't have the latest generation hardware be it Sony or MSFT, go get it. I will even put in a word for the Wii, Mario is fun, I am liking it! It is a good time to be gaming what with the recession and all. I go long Gaming!


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