Is the beast stuned? Nightmare is back

Just when I was looking for signs of the shadow beast being stunned by the latest kung-fu moves from the govt it rips the markets a new one. Not good.


pcleddy said…
you know this? it was big back in '99, when the good days ruled. ya, days, because it wasnt years

go beast, go! go, go, go!!

i want to see rich people working again, ya! no more interest! no more growth! save the whales!
adt43wt342 said…
Are you a raving communist? I am working over time to make sure I prove you wrong :)

I don't want lose what I made from JBoss. See I made the money so I am very insecure about losing it and as a result I sweat it a lot.

I got into this economics thing 18mo ago when Nathalie kicked me out of bed and said "time for you to look after our investments".

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