SUV Sales Evaporate?
It is everywhere in the news and on every commentators lips. The absurdity once known as the Hummer is going the way of the Dinosaur. It went from hip to dead in less than a year. The first casualty of the great oil shock of 2008. I got to say this one was one of the icons of consumerism I most despised. It had become a social statement to have a hummer, they were perceived as "rich". They now look foolish at a 2008 gas station.
In other news in the FT this morning: Mini Cooper sales over take Hummer sales.
Sign of the times. Some of it welcomed!
In other news in the FT this morning: Mini Cooper sales over take Hummer sales.
Sign of the times. Some of it welcomed!
Where do YOU get your information?
"Ford SUV sales are down 55%". I don't know it is all over the news... just a google on SUV sales will return it!
Talk show host was covering how SUV's would not be bought back by dealers. It is not a matter of price it is just that they can offload them.
It is getting very very cold in here.
what you say makes no sense.