Hoax or Reality?

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Tango Juliet said…
Yeah, right! All of that because you'd like to meet Carla ;-)
adt43wt342 said…
Totally! who wouldn't! She's a cougar!
100% Hoax...

The simple fact that BULL(sh) IT is in the list just make it really clear that it's a poisson d'avril, of course ;)
Roy Russo said…
Hoax. The French only take the initiative in surrendering. ;-)
Tango Juliet said…
I went to see Mr Sarkozy and Carla (along with Bernard Kouchner, Rachida Dati, ...) on the 27th of March. During Mr Sarkozy's official visit in London, he granted us with a speech at the Residence de France. You can see and hear about it there: http://www.elysee.fr/edito/?lang=fr&id=53

It was quite funny to hear people in the queue wondering if you-know-who would turn up, how you-know-who would be dressed, etc…...as if the President of the French Republic would not be there.

The English newspapers did not really care at all about the announced new era in the French-English relationship, focusing on the wardrobe instead of the new Entente Formidable ;-)

London has become the 7th French city in the world...
adt43wt342 said…
Carla being news was news even in the US. CNN had a special about the obsession around Carla in the UK. Coverage about the coverage lets you know things are getting out of hand.
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