Kickin it old-school at WMC

We fly down in a private jet for 24 straight hours of Winter Miami Conference partying. I haven't done this in... well never actually, this is a first. So I feel like a kid, we are flying 6 of us. 3 with Chris Klaus, 3 with me. Chris is wearing a tshirt that shows a surfer dude and says "board meeting!". I scream "victory!" pretending I am Johnny Drama from "Entourage" as we land in MIA. We get there by 2PM.

Unfortunately we kind of get stuck in the hotel so we decide to go out to catch an early dinner and we don't go out until 9PM. I miss Stacey Pullen and Kevin Saunderson which is no big deal since KS just posted a Resident Advisor podcast. On the plus side, Warren and I run into John Digweed at our hotel. I ask about his tshirt he says "you download, you copy, you steal, you destroy the scene". Really cool how graciously he took the time.

At that point we hit the Kaneva party (Chris' company) at the top of the Sony building on Collins. Great view of the city, cool venue. We get there too late, people have moved on to see Underworld at Ultra in Centennial Park. We go to the Delano hotel which is a sure value. Nice venue. We need to have dinner there one time. The main dining room is booming with music. The pool party is packed. We hang there for a good while, good latin music, gets the night started.

We move to Cameo and try to get in. We are denied as all the tables are sold out. We decide to move to Space and get down to business. Space never disappoints. We splurge on a table. Deep Dish is playing, Sharam and Ali Dubfire are alternating on the decks. The sound system is sick, even with ear plugs (wet paper) the sound still gets crystal clear, the light show is excellent. Good crowd and excellent music. A little too hardcore and minimal but truly very good. They have gone techno. Some in our group are Electronic Dance Music newbies but they still like it.

At 4:30 we move to Nocturnal, right next door, where the "amnesia" party is about to start. It is set up by Colombians and the majority in attendance is south american. We are invited by Andrea Restrepo, a promoter of the party and a girl that promotes in ATL as well. By 8AM the party is ON, the outdoors packed, the crowd is great, it is a SCENE. I enjoy just kicking back and people watching. I got 2 hours to kill waiting for our plane listening to killer music, I am tired, but happy. It is 9AM I think that everyone that is here, wants to be here and has made EDM a part of their life. The Sun is up... I enjoy open air clubs. The music is truly great.

At 11AM we make it to the plane. Even though it is a small plane, we catch a smooth ride back to ATL and land before the storms hit. Good times... back home


Juha Lindfors said…
So, private jet is "old school", huh? ;-)

Nice touch.
adt43wt342 said…
well the private jet was new school. What was oldschool is the Edm all nighter. You would have enjoyed it.
Sacha Labourey said…
Remember that Marc lives in 2040. So private jets are definitively "old school" ;)

OK, Marc, 19B new write-downs at UBS, time for a write-up I guess :)
adt43wt342 said…
Ok ok, the plane was most definitely NOT old-school. Geezus.

In my defense I will relate how this came about. I meet with Chris and his wife for some school related matter (Atlanta International School). At the end of the meeting. Chris says, hey I want to go down to MIA to party this weekend, do you want to go? I start mumbling something about WMC being a zoo and not really wanting to go. Chris is not really listening, come on man! let's go! you and me! It doesn't take long for me to start wanting to go, I ask "how do we get there". He looks at Crissy his wife, she says something about being able to get "the plane". I tell him "I will share with you", he says "cool, let me make some phone calls and get back to you". Warren is a bit broke right now so was bummed because he couldn't go. I knew he would be an asset over there. Ben? well, Ben just invited himself the night before when he saw and like Underworld.
Nathalie said…
More like this
Old School :)
Juha Lindfors said…
Nathalie, that was almost cruel.
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