The new .NET (WCF) is ... JBoss SEAM?

Picked up from the blog of a guy called David Dossot.

So .NET is legacy and WCF is here to increase your productivity? What is this all about? Juval did a great job demonstrating how, by building this new platform on the CLR, Microsoft has delivered a complete development environment that offers a clean and efficient programming model for "enterprise" applications.

But is there anything new here? For .NET developers, surely yes. But from a JEE development standpoint: not really. All this sounds like a mix of EJB3 (framework-free classes, remote exceptions), JBoss call stack model (dynamic proxies, client-sde and server-side interception), unified synchronous/asynchronous invocation model and workflow for long running operations.

Wow, at JBoss a lot of us were a closet admirers of MSFT. By the end of JBoss we were pretty vocal about it. Of course with the acquisition by RHT, it became completely closeted again.

As I am retired, I like taking credit for shit I have only marginally participated in; framework free classes? check! Gavin and Bill try to take all the credit for EJB3 but it was moi who got rid of the home interfaces :). Call stack model? check! Actually, Rickard came up with dynamic proxies and server side interception, Scott, Bill and I made it work, and I had the idea client side. Unified invocation model? check! I am mostly responsible for the Unified Invoker push. The only thing they haven't stolen is the unified class loader, I wonder why? Go moi!

Workflow? check! well at least I hired the guy who hired the guy who worked with the guy who did the work that... oh never mind, no I didn't really have anything to do with that one at all, I was sleeping at the wheel by then, that credit goes Tom Baeyens of JBPM fame and his team.

If you think about it, the approach taken ALL TOGETHER IS JBOSS SEAM!!!!

In all seriousness the JBoss folks should tap themselves on the back for setting such an example in the implementation field of EE.

And if imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it is high time the EE camp start pulling together and copy some of the MSFT approach. A VB like dev environment is still elusive (plug for some of my friends at Appcelerator: check them out). A complete dev environment that specifies a message based approach to client (HTTP) server would "light-speed" the field beyond the current state of MVC heaviness.


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