Mirror, mirror on the wall

Who is the fairest of them all?

Darryl Taft, another one of my favorite peeps, sends me this link this morning where he gives a list of influential people in the business of OSS. Here it is:

  1. Linus Torvalds
  2. Mitchell Baker
  3. Mike Milinkovich
  4. Tim Golden
  5. Jim Zemlin
  6. Peter Fenton and Larry Augustin
  7. Jim Jagielski
  8. Michael Tiemann
  9. Marten Mickos
  10. Marc Fleury
  11. Rod Johnson
  12. Jonathan Schwartz
  13. Mark Shuttleworth
  14. John Roberts

I exchanged a few emails with Darryl and he then pointed out that this was an ordered list! I suspect he is just fishing for traffic but that got my blood boiling... he then denied that it was an ordered list but I will bite nonetheless.

I am not going to make a lot of friends:

Milink (eclipse). Eclipse is the business of subsidized OSS by corporation. It is a model alright, that of corporate socializing of costs of development and distribution. The polar opposite of professional OSS as far as developers are concerned.

Baker of Mozilla? yes and no it is at once a stunning success of a community and a shame that they "stumbled" upon their monies with the google ads. What I mean is that there was no plan and I don't think their luck really 'influenced' anyone else... who else has emulated the model and is printing 8 figures due to ads in OSS?

Torvalds.. no question. The business wouldn't exist without him even though he kept a distance with the money, possible BECAUSE he kept a reasonable distance with the money.

Fenton and Augustin, mos' def'. But then he is missing David Skok, investor in JBoss and Asterix/Digium. Less media visibility than Fenton and Augustin but very well respected by those in the know.

Jim Jaglielski? Jim gets tons of respect for starting the ASF. But the influence they have on the business is as an example you should not emulate if you want to be in the business of OSS.

Tiemann, I like the guy. I think his contribution is a bit theoretical.

Mickos? he's the man right now.

Moi? at number 10? come on! Darryl, I invented Professional Open Source, have you heard of it?

Rod? what the hell has he done besides copy moi? he he :)

but I think the worse offenders here are Schwartz and Mark Shuttleworth at 12 and 13 respectively. These two should be near the top. PTB and MS are the most innovative right now. PTB has set the visionary bar. Mark S, with Ubuntu, does it because he believes this is the right thing to do and he embodies OSS as a PERSONAL charity. Which is both truly cool and utterly destructive to the movement of professional OSS. These two are killing professional OSS and at therefore are the most influential.

Hubris is a bitch!


Greg Wallace said…
I agree 110% on Shuttleworth, and on Schwartz, too. I ran a survey on a little open source project page asking who the best spokesperson for open source was - here's a link to the results - btw, you'd alreay left RHAT and moved on, thus your absence... :)

best open source spokesperson
Roy Russo said…
Of course, what we all need to ask ourselves about this list is... "Who gives a flying crap, Daryl?"

adt43wt342 said…

cool picture :)

I never really heard Mark speak publicly but I hear he is really good. I spoke after him at CERN and people had high expectations. I only saw him once at JavaOne where he was on stage before me on the PTB keynote.

You know I think you are missing the best advocate for the "business" of OSS: Larry Augustin (after me of course :). He is deadly.
adt43wt342 said…

come on, you are just jealous because you are not there. I remember you petrified before your first talk at JBossWorld, smoking cigarette after cigarette and then you did just fine. And look at you now! on your make to making it to the top 2308, soon the top 15 is in sight :)
Roy Russo said…
I nearly forgot about that JBW speech. I was in a state of panic. Now when I'm on a panel, I only worry about which half of the room I'm going to offend. ;-)

... and okay, maybe theres some list-envy.
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