Finishing CoD4, word on the PS3, 3D?

Since I don't really have a life right now, I do spend some time on the games. I just finished Call of Duty (CoD4) about a week ago and found it to be very entertaining. I have played 2 and 3, that I can remember and the series seems to get better with time. The game makes the most of the PS3 graphics and it delivers a wicked experience.

The gameplay is fun with tactics you have to learn by trial and error. The game will try you in parts, I particularly remember the ferris wheel scene where you develop that zombie movie outlook on your surroundings. There is only 2 of you here, there are hordes coming and chances are, you are not going to survive. I learned to spend my mines as a ring of defense around the hiding spot. These mines blow up as waves crash on it, making a "click" sound, you have 10 total, so you can count down as they click, giving you a rough idea of when your close range defenses are gone. From the beginning, you snipe like mad, long distance, as the waves come out. Some will get through and the first 3-4 waves will finish themselves off on the mines. At that time you switch to close range and grenade all you can. The guys that popped up from behind got me most of the time, dealing with these, I could get to the savepoint in the middle of the fight. I was using the middle of the ferris wheel as hiding spot, which provided ample coverage. Eventually I got lucky and got through. Since frustration and reward seem to be intimately linked to each other in the chemical brain, this stage and a few others were very satisfying. I almost felt like I had *accomplished* something.

For the discerning gaming geeks amongst you, I got to put in a word for the PS3. I got 2 at home mainly for the HD-bluray feature. The gaming is great. If you are looking for a X-mass treat then treat yourself, and at $400, it's ok, you won't break the bank and you deserve it!.

Mark my words: gaming in native 3D will be appear on PS3 in 2009. The PS3 hardware already delivers 60fps on 2D games like Ninja Gaiden Sygma (NGS) so could be rigged to deliver 2x30fps to the left and the right eye for native 3D games. The number of pictures per second would still above the 24fps bottom limit for fluidity, but well below the 2x60pfs = 120fps that the RealD movie theaters deliver today. Apply Moore Law to console graphics hardware and you can see that the next generation of consoles (2010-2012?) will cycle with performance deep in 3D territory. Yaaay!!!!


zeitgravity said…
You should write a physics engine, build a company around it, then sell it to Nvidia.
Anonymous said…
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