TF4: In the streets of Neuchatel (Speedy J and Morel)

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See the green above on the Ableton timeline? That’s Pannik from Speedy J. It is continuous throughout the mix. I overlay house on it. Morel and Deep Dish are the main ingredients of the house thread.

The result is surprising. It lends a new 4AM quality to the tracks, how do I know? I have tested it at 4AM.

Last week’s Neuchatel’s “fetes des vendanges” was a blast. Partying in the middle of the street, surrounded by old friends, new friends and a whole village definitely out to party in the face of drizzling rain, was an experience I will remember.

My main issue, apart from drinking way too much, getting older and sleeping one hour before getting on the train to Paris, was that the music started sounding seriously blah at 1AM. So I defaulted to my own sets on my iPod, dancing Tokyo style: in the middle of other people but with my own music. At around 3AM, I was invisible. I became shadow-man, actually wearing a red-hat black cap to protect from the rain and keep anonymity. The streets were still packed.

TF4 did the trick at 4AM, TF4 is driving beats with heavy melody.

On a more theoretical level, I am also trying to showcase an extraordinary quality of Pannik: how it goes well with almost everything, house, deep house, trance, anything, just like chicken. I wonder if it is due to the harmonic structure of its sonar sound? it goes “Dum dum da” you can’t miss it. Hope you get what I mean as you listen.

1- Pepper, Speedy J, 1993
1a- Pannik, Speedy J, 1997

Pepper I used to listen to on a cassette tape of the only Parisian radio that used to play techno in the early nineties. I have vivid memories of crossing the harvard bridge to get to my place from MIT and looping on this track. It has not aged well. I use the final synth melody of the track. Under it, the saturated sound of drums you hear is “Pannik” and provides a stark contrast. Don’t worry the beats will start melting with the rest of the harmonics down the road and I almost leave “acapella” here for you to hear it naked.

2- True, Morel. 2002
3- Cabaret, Morel, 2003
4- Funny car, Morel, 2003
Nathalie asked me to mix morel some time ago. It is good house music, in the melodious sense of it, with lyrics and all. Morel has had good longevity as an electronic artist which is kind of rare.

5- Marscarter, BLH3, 2002
6- Bass camp, Blair Bitch, 2001
We are now in Deep dish territory. The transition is lexical: True, the track above, was a Deep Dish remix. Marscarter is the Morel remix. These two tracks were on their Westcoast 2003, Yoshiesque II CD compilation. It was one of those light house moments for me, meaning times when I get a signal. Bass camp finishes accapela so to speak, a pure instrumental.

Which all reminds me that I need to remix Hulkonnen one day.

Hope you enjoy this, it will grow on you.

PS: Via comments, Gavin and Emmanuel on the second night.


Thomas Heute said…
Seeing one more time the early JBossians, with newer ones, was a real chance given by this very particular Fete des vendanges.
I talked a bit about it but didn't mention that several of us did 2 nights in a row, and i'm sure some did 3. (It helps to live in Neuchatel).
People would be surprised to see the brains behind successful projects dancing on a bar in the middle of a street ;) (No name mentioned)
adt43wt342 said…
What do you mean "no name mentioned". Gavin and Emmanuel dancing on a bar in a middle of the street? I want pictures with it!
Thomas Heute said…
If i had such pic, it would have been taken from my phone, so it would be of bad quality. It would then be hard to guess that Emmanuel would be the left side while Gavin would probably stand on the right side. (Womens are my other half and her friend, so no bad joke ;) )
Unknown said…
Plausible deniability: I don't remember dancing on a bar in the middle of a street. I vaguely remember dancing on a bar on the sidewalk though.
Sacha Labourey said…
I have some pictures and two videos. I might put them online. I'll share my bank information offline.

adt43wt342 said…
One of my memories is definitely Ron Sigal, standing under the dripping rain, with his hat on and a grin plastered on his face.
Unknown said…
From that mean you DO like apple after all?
adt43wt342 said…
I bought the Ipod touch a couple of days ago. The ipod feature just sucks but the wifi web browsing is killer. I love it, put 4 times the surface and you got a perfect web browsing. I would rather spend 1200 on a web touch tablet than 300 on a crappy ipod.
I am curious to see whether they open the platforms' SDK (the native one) so we can see games and all. Right now it seems they are going to repeat the mistakes of the past?
Any chance of you releasing this material in MP3 Marc?
adt43wt342 said…
I thought it was MP3, don't tell me I uploaded the wav file!
abcdefg said…
The last podcast is in my ipod. I'll give it a listen in a minute.

Good to see in Neuchatel. Haven't forgotten about ur Ableton query.
Ron Sigal said…
I'm offering to write a letter of recommendation to the Patriots in case Bill Burke wants to try out for the offensive front line. His blocking saved my ass, not to mention my bladder.
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