Fear and Loathing in BEAS

Honeymoon in Vegas: this is not going to be pretty. Alfred wakes up with a head full of acid.

UH? who invited this big lizard in my board room? Where did it come from? Why is it offering me 6.66? Where did the dried ketchup on the walls come from? This is not the hoof print of your ordinary god fearing junkie. Something bad, something really bad happened here.


douglas dooley said…

i posted a new one, somewhat reflective of the acquisition:


its my attempt to look ahead, and perhaps influence your decisions,

adt43wt342 said…

come on man! lighten up!

Do you remember this passage in "Fear and Loathing" where Hunter Thompson states "with the right kind of eyes you could almost see the high water mark of the acid wave. The point where it started rolling back". Is it a parallel for the consolidating software industry? probably.

Look at it this way: we were probably born 20 years too late. But truth is, it has a short and intense blast for me, a high really.
douglas dooley said…
I understand that quote, and do feel that is exactly what i am concerned about, that enterprise software is just a high for the brief but ever powerful start-up....

what we need to do is disrupt and create longevity...you did it for some years, and my belief is that you are going to do it again, albeit considering you have responsibilities more important right now...

i just think that there is still more to do...
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