SUNW to JAVA and Behavioral finance.

John Authers in the FT this morning has an excellent editorial on they psychology of ticker symbol names.

Why do some stocks do better than others? There can be many reasons but one, it appears, could be a change to a new and catchier ticker symbol.

On August 24, Sun Microsystems announced that it was changing its ticker from SUNW to JAVA - a catchy name that ties in with its history of developing Java technology.

Since then, it has outperformed the S&P 500 by more than 15 per cent and has outperformed the tech sector.

There are other examples. Since August of last year, Big Lots, the discount retailer, is up more tahn 60 per cent - far in excess of the market. OVer the previous decade, its stock had declined: but then it changed its ticker from BLI to BIG.

Academic research confirms that there is a pattern. A study of flotations on the New York Stock Exchange by Adam Alter and Daniel Oppenheimer, of Princeton University, shows that stocks whose tickers could be pronounced as a word beat stocks with unpronounceable tickers for up to a year after flotation, by a small but statistically significant margin.

Perhaps this expalins why an agribusiness exchange-traded fund launched last week opted for the ticker symbol, MOO

Paul Hickey, of Bespoke investment, suggests executives at Sun might also have read the Princeton research.

None of this is surprising to followers of behavioural finance, which substitutes psychological insights for economists' assumption that people are rational. When bombarded with complex information, it is human nature to look for short cuts. This, in turn, offers the opportunity for profit.

As Richard Thaler, the University of Chicago academic now regarded as a founder of behavioural finance, once put it: "People are not blithering idiots but they are a long way from hyperrational automatons."

I don't know, the trick didn't work too well for Red Hat, they went from RHAT to RHT. True the first one rolls off the tongue nicely.


Roy Russo said…
Right about now, "RHT", sounds like the high-pitched whistling sound a duck makes as it plunges to Earth.
adt43wt342 said…
I would lol your comment if I didn't own that much of the stock
Maybe they should change the name to RED (which seems to be still available on NYSE)?
adt43wt342 said…
That would be a great name, christophe.
Daniel Brum said…
Hey there's a great stock ticker just waiting to be taken by someone now that SCO Group has filed for bankruptcy...
Unknown said…
I am sad to report that the SMD ticket:
1. is already taken
2. does not perform well at all
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