Techno-Fetichisme: the Podcast

Techno-Fetichisme 1 & 2: House and Techno

Ok on a different note, I would like to introduce, Techno-Fetichisme, the podcast. Both first issues, TF1 and TF2 are about 25 minutes long. I use Ableton Live as the mixing software although works are studio mixes. I mix stuff from 20 years ago with techno from yesterday or "Bacalao" like the spaniards used to call the music coming out of the UK and the little Baleric islands of Eivissa and Majorca as if it was fresh fish.

Back to Mac

Oh, and now is the time to admit it: I went back to mac. I am publishing the podcast on What can I say? Those who know me will understand. The new imacs are really sick and I can't wait to get mine touch enabled with one of those glass screens like on the iPhone. Look at me, I am pitiful. I guess seeing all the guys at the laptop battle, performing with Live on macs, without glitches was enough for me to change my mind. The mind is not so strong and the flesh is weaker. I am loving it.


muelli said…
I have the new iMac with 24" screen! Great stuff. The best thing is that I run my old XP machine in VMware Fusion on my iMac now. So I can still work on the old crap. It took me about 15 min to convert the phys. machine via VMware Converter to a VM.
adt43wt342 said…
huh... I have not tried that although I am not sure I need a Windows emulation, but that is really cool.
Sacha Labourey said…
Congrats on the music, I loved F2 with Kiiiiiiimmmmmm. I felt like when I was 14 :)

I also converted to the mac for all useless-related activities (like browsing the web on my sofa). My preferred feature: the time it takes for the WIFI to reconnect when resuming from standby: super-quick. But I hate the impossibility to change the default focus on modal dialogs from the keyboard, that's outrageous.
muelli said…
I've a MacBookPro for sofa surfing, too. ;-)

Great music, I like that. More please!
Roy Russo said…
The wife likes your tunes, and wants to hear more.

For me, its not METAL, so blah.
adt43wt342 said…
Wow, Sacha! Calling out the Kim Wilde reference! I had completely missed it and was thinking that Soda inc was the original writer of 'set me free'. How hip!
adt43wt342 said…

So it is the wife huh? Yeah I know, I buy trains, it is for the kids! Daniel Brum wrote in saying "my 12 year old listened to TF1 and wanted it for his iPod", that was a true compliment! stop hiding behind your wife and come out as the house loving bopping head that you are, you little bitch.

I am playing with a new mix that gets in some punk from Joy Division, in honor of Tony Wilson from Factory Records (see previous blog on 24hr party people and the comments). I mix the punk with modern techno, that is about as close (not very) I will ever get to METAL. If you can find me a good metal tune in the 120-140bpm range I will see what I can do for you. Oh wait, I thought metal didn't have rythm, just guys yelling in a mic? no?
Roy Russo said…
My kids only listen to Nursery rhymes or Slayer... depends on the car they happen to be in.

You're killing me, Marc. Joy Division, punk? Then Avril Lavigne is punk too? Punk is Sex Pistols, Misfits, and DRI. Not Green Day.

I don't know of the bpm's you speak of, and I do not want you "mixing METAL". METAL is a holy place, and it should not be desecrated by the likes of little turn tables with guys wearing half-a-head-set.

Perhaps some tighter drumming may work - Rush, Primus, Tool, to name a few.
adt43wt342 said…
"Radio like Transmission" is definite punk, "She's lost control" is dark punk, you ignorant prick. I will release TF3 with it in it, you will see what I mean.

METAL is shite. I have observed that what you guys usually get off on with the head banging and air-guitar is the long guitar riffs that sound like proto-trance. BTW Paul Oakenfold is coming to ATL, if you can find a hip outfit, I recommend checking him out at Opera in Nov, you never know, maybe some cool will actually rub off on you. But, really, METAL is not music it is an attitude at best, which explains why you would be drawn to it in the first place.

If it wasn't because you like it, or pretend to, and Scott Stark, really likes it, and I like both you guys, I wouldn't even mention it. Yuck!
Roy Russo said…
I eagerly await your technoPunk. Well, not really, but I'm game.

Correct. METAL IS an attitude, like most music forms. We gravitate toward what we can relate to. I can relate to Punk and METAL. I can't relate to the caca that is hip-hop (I'm too white).

What makes good METAL, is not the Steve-Vai-type long guitar riffs. I'm more drawn to a heavy (thundering/crunching) rythm-section of a band. Slayer, Tool, Maiden, and even Rage Against the Machine have that in common.

I'll raid Gavin's closet and see what I can dig up as a "hip outfit".
Bill said…
Marc, switch to a MacBook last month. Loving it too. My Alienware crapped out on me in less than a year.
adt43wt342 said…
I love hiphop, always did.
adt43wt342 said…
Bill, bummer.

My little VAIO (the tiny one series) is really neat and hasn't died in 18 mo, I am proud of it, still using it, although it is soooo slow.

What I really want a tablet format with a touchscreen like the iPhone and the keyboard in the back. Meaning something you can hold like a PSP, a little bit bigger with natural size keyboard IN THE BACK so your fingers do the walking. That would be killer.
Bill Pyne said…

Is there any creative hiphop you've been listening to? After Digable Planets and 3rd Bass split up (1995'ish?) I couldn't find anything creative so I stopped listening. I know Aceyalone is still putting some stuff out and Tribe Called Quest pops their heads up now and then. Anything else worth listening to?
adt43wt342 said…

I can't recommend any hiphop these days as I am not listening much. I tend to go to hip hop when there was a darth of decent techno. That isn't the case these days :) there is a revival of techno.

That being said. I was listening to it again on internet radio about 3 years ago and was really taken aback by how creative it had gotten. I may go and dig a bit one day for you since I have some time:)

I can recommend, this is the site I shop at, they do have a hip hop section that is updated daily and you may want to check that out.

Tribe Called Quest, what great group that was, I truly loved the whole "native tongues" collective, them, the Stereo MC's.
adt43wt342 said…
Also thinking about it, it is a shame that I don't go out more in the ATL, since this is the capital of HipHop. I am always afraid I will die or something :)
Bill Pyne said…
My wife and I took some French classes in the continuing education division of a local university perhaps 5 years ago. The teacher was doing her Ph.D. in popular French culture. She played some hiphop from a French rapper that was pretty incredible. I wish I could remember the name.

It's a shame violence has lessened some of the fun that was early rap/hiphop. I remember catching Digable Planets at the Roxy in Boston around 1993/4. (A British group called D'Influence opened up.) What a fun show. Everyone was just dancing and singing the lyrics. The DP's had a jazz band backing them up along with their DJ so some incredible music came out.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.
abcdefg said…
Hmmm, glad you like Pryda too :) Armed is pretty good but nothing beats Aftermath. That was one of THE tunes of 2005
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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