Seen any great movies lately?

Ok here are two:

1- Ratatouille. Great, great movie. Went there with all the kids except #4 (who is 9 mo) and we all loved it. It is a glamorous picture of Paris and cooking which is all alright by me. GO SEE IT.

2- Shooter. Best movie in 10 years. Yeah it is that good. A classic. GO BUY IT.

Please leave some DVD recommendation in the comments if you would. Remember I have a lot of time :)


savio13 said…
Agreed about Shooter - who knew marky mark would grow up to be such a good actor?!?

Try Layer Cake (if you like Brit films like Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels)

Really liked Inside Man although Denzel gets a little annoying

Also liked Junebug, although I only watched the first hour on a plane -- keep meaning to get the dvd.
muelli said…
I like the vintage movies of John Holmes very much. What do you think? :-)
Mark Little said…
V for Vendetta is good. Don't bother with Shrek 3 at the cinema: it won't lose anything on translation to DVD (i.e., it's the worst of the 3 movies so far).
adt43wt342 said…

yeah amazing that marky mark is such an accomplished artist.

Someone pointed out he was one of the good cops in "Departed", I had forgotten. Someone mentioned that because of his role on the departed he got little exposure for Shooter which is really too bad.

He is also a producer on "Entourage", the TV series on HBO which Nathalie and I have gotten to really like.

I will definitely try the movies you recommend. Thanks
adt43wt342 said…

I think you are a funny guy. Chuckle, chuckle.

If you want a trip down memory lane, one of my VCs (won't tell you which one :) introduced me to the "OFarrel theatre" in SF where you have this room with the holmes movies playing non-stop. Old days style... Too funny, talking shop, industry and java VM while watching an oldie in a public place was one of those memories.

Personally I prefer the modern version with Rocco directed by Staggliano. There are some good gonzo classics :) I really like the whole stable of director with the "Evil Empire".
adt43wt342 said…

yeah agreed, Shrek 3 was not so good, it was ok, but nothing special.
muelli said…
Marc, you know it! ;-) Although I never wanked with one of my VCs. Will try that!
muelli said…
Rocco Siffredi? Yeah, he's a big gun...
Bill Burke said…
"Knocked Up" has to be the funniest movie I've seen in years.
Juha Lindfors said…

, since you have time...

Also enjoyed The Last King of Scotland.

So far 2007 has been a pretty crappy movie year though.
Reel Fanatic said…
Ratatouille was simply one of the best animated movies I've ever seen, and definitely the best flick Pixar flick since the first Toy Story
Unknown said…
I was sitting beside Bill in the theater during Knocked Up. And I agree. It's the funniest movie he's seen in years.

Seriously, I've never heard somebody laugh so much. That was as much fun as the movie itself.

I loved it too, BTW. Definitely a must-see.

Saw Ocean's 13 last night. After mixed reviews, I wasn't expecting much. But turns out I thoroughly enjoyed it.

And yea, Ratatouille is great. My wife and I liked it much more than my 7-year-old. It's really a bit long for kids.

Unknown said…
The Fountain

The Wild Blue Yonder

You can also purchase the amazing soundtracks for each.


Sanjay said…
Will Ferrel's Stranger than Fiction is a great movie.

Entrouage is definetly getting better but can't beat the Sopranos.

Will try the Ratatouille, since so many guys have liked it.

Unknown said…
Little Miss Sunshine was great but Nathalie was the one who recommended it to me.

++ Last King of Scotland was good.

If you can find episodes of "The Prisoner" -- though you may need to be off your ADD meds or on LSD to really "get it"

If you didn't get to watch "Master of the Flying Guillotines" at JBossWorld a few years back when I showed it on the projector maybe you'll appreciate it more now.

Also Million Dollar Baby was good...but maybe not your style...

++Knocked Up

The Hills Have Eyes (haven't see 2 yet)
Anthony Gold said…
Just saw The Sea Inside. Touching movie based on a true story of a quadriplegic who fought for his right to die (for ~25 years). Definitely not something for the kids, but I found it riveting.
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Unknown said…
another one I enjoyed 28 weeks later (sequel to 48 days later)

It is endorsed by the USCCB as "Morally Offensive"...all the more reason I liked it.
adt43wt342 said…

yeah loved 28 days later. I am glad to hear the week version is just as good.

I do not see what is morally objectable to a science fiction scenario of what-if mankind was virally infected over-night.
Unknown said…
What is weird is they didn't nail The Omen :-) and they were okay with the Exorcist but not the sequel...
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