iPhone is technolust

I used to hate Apple. I had some beef about how they designed their screen or something. Well it is all forgotten. The iPhone is a gorgeous techno-device.

I couldn't resist and I went to the store to check it out. I was thinking about one for myself. Not as a phone mind you, I don't want a new phone. But as a web-browsing device with a touch screen UI.

I have tried the Mylo, the eReader, and the ultra portable from Sony. From the moment you pick up that thing it feels great. The design is slick and the screen is gorgeous. It reminded me of the first time I picked up the PSP. I couldn't stop giggling. Apparently the glass surface doesn't scratch easy so the result is a breath taking screen.

I tried gmail immediately. Navigating the UI was really intuitive. The touch screen works great. The zoom feature is really nifty and something badly needed on all the portable touch devices.

As many others, I found the keyboard thing really got in my way. I hear that people get used to it but that it takes 4-5 days. 10 minutes doesn't do it justice but it really sucked bad.

In the horizontal position, the keyboard is wide but took a good 60% of the screen and it really left no room for the text display, which kind of blows if you are trying to write an email. You can't read. gmail wasn't really usable as is. Lack of support for java, flash or PDF are drawbacks but I would expect them to be supported soon.

I haven't really tried the iPod function. I am sure it is great. Nor did I try the phone feature. I didn't care. After 5 minutes all was forgiven with Apple and I was ready to plunge $600 for a new device just to browse the web.

Unfortunately I was informed that one cannot buy the phone without an AT&T subscription. I wanted the iPhone just as a wi-fi based web browser. That was a show stopper for me. 1- I don't need another phone 2- I don't want to deal with the hassle of AT&T, so it was a no-go. I left very disappointed and went to the SONY store.

But honestly I was in awe of the iPhone, what a wonderful device. The software is innovative on a mass device. Sure it is first generation but that will be ironed in time. As many other commentators have pointed out, the iPhone paves the way for everyone else. It is out of this world.

If it is a sign of things to come, all technofreaks can rejoice. Yay!


Nippotam said…
Dear Marc,

Iphone seems the must have for the geek right now. In France we must wait a bit but it will come !

Have nice day,
Daniel Brum said…
You can get the iPhone, and not activate it with AT&Crap. Someone has already posted a how-to, and you can then just the iPhone as a little mini Wifi device/iPod, etc.



Anthony Gold said…
Comments spot on ... couldn't agree more. Posted a similar blog last week:


Also, two majorly missing features (that hopefully will be coming soon):

1. No search capability anywhere. Can't search Contacts (ie, show me all JBoss employees). Can't do "finds" on web pages. Etc.

2. No copy/paste functionality. Most of the conference calls I am on have these long bridge codes. Would love to copy the code out of Calendar and paste into the phone keypad. Can't do that.

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