IBM takes aim at JBoss.... again

cause you know they missed us the first time! and the second time!

Someone had tipped me that big news were coming out last night at 12PM PST. Well, I went to bed tickled pink and my brain wouldn't let it go and had to ring an alarm at 4AM.

I fell out of bed at 4:35 AM because of a dream where I was reading news relating to JBoss. I mean, CAN'T I GET A BREAK? I am retired for gadsakes! I am not supposed to dream and wake up about these things. Talk about post traumatic stress disorder!

So anyway I went in google news and typed JBoss and all that came up was this article "IBM takes aim at JBoss" in computerworld. Basically IBM generously "donated" porting code, to port from JBoss to Geronimo and websphere. What? I freaking woke up for that? Shucks, I woke up for irrelevant crap. I am going back to bed.

The article even says "IBM bought gluecode in April'...uh yeah... April 2005 was it? It seems like eons ago. That bit made me think I was looking at a recycled news item.

News to IBM management: give it a rest! you lost. Geronimo was dead on arrival, it is an apache community embarassement, even ass-fish from SUN gets more traction than you do. This is more embarassing than OS/2, cause no one actually cares, not even you guys in the light of the competition CE/Geronimo provides to your money making lines.

A shucks... my paranoia meter is still WAAAY too sensitive. How could my mind be busy and wake me up over this crap. This is what 7 years in the trenches will do to your nerves.




Army No. Va. said…
Marc, didn't you used to sleep soundly through these announcements? Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :-)
adt43wt342 said…
Pierre Fricke! As soon as I saw your blog title I knew who you were :)

Well you remember the first time IBM took aim at us. I wasn't sleeping too soundly :)

I actually remember we all freaked out for a while. I really think this is a "cry wolf" situation.

I can't be bothered with an IBM announcement these days, sorry.
Unknown said… many times are they going to announce that? They've announced that before.
Anonymous said…
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