Hibernate is trademarked: of course!

The latest spat in JBoss land is here. With a guy named "Bill Dudney" all panicked because he thinks he can't give consulting on Hibernate because he has recieved a letter from RHT lawyers telling him to cease and desist using a certain collection of words to describe his offering.

See a nugget of sanity in the thread by webbink. Ok so at JBoss we enforced copyright as the law intends: You can offer training on Hibernate or JBoss, but you have to be careful how you call it. The problem is not that you DO IT, where you can go wrong is in HOW YOU CALL IT. You can run afoul of trademark law.

NOT OKAY: "Hibernate training" or "JBoss training" (unless you are RHT or an official partner). That what most people mean when they say "you can't give Hibernate training", they mean you can't give a training branded "hibernate training".

OKAY: "My Training for JBoss Appplication Server" or "My Training for Hibernate ORM".

And don't ask me why :)

In 2000, JBoss was called EJBoss. SUN sent me a nastygram telling me that EJB was a trademark of SUN. It was a product it was clearcut, I was using someone else's brand to make my own brand. We dropped the E and the rest is historeee.

You think you can do that? yeah? Just to be on the good side of the law? yeah? Do it for Gavin!

Cool. Go home, take a shower, you are done.



Mark Proctor said…
Cool toy to help with "time out" :)
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