Larry Ellison, "Mission Accomplished"
So Larry has caused another splash in the press, in time for RHT's earnings call. Basically, Oracle has released a list of companies that "allegedly" have switched from RHT's "real RHEL" to Oracle's "magical mystery RHEL". Funny thing is, Larry spoke of Yahoo! as a switcher on a earnings call and Yahoo! quickly denied the rumor. How embarassing, but if it makes you feel better, Larry, I have been there too :) It may be true, I know from experience that big IT shops do not like to be referenced, not for tiny JBoss and, apparently, not even for big mighty Oracle. Whatever the case may be, this strategy of dipping one's toe in the water and declaring victory reminded me of another "successful invasion" supported with "faulty intelligence" where we are constantly reminded of "how we are winning, but "we need to send more troops to consolidate our winnings, because, you know, we are winning". See picture for h...