Snoopy vs The Red Baron vs My Mother

I had my first gig on Saturday. Ben and Becca were hosting a little house party and I provided the music. I had a blast. I was up and running in 20 seconds, hooked into Ben's XM line and wham! I was on. I did about 1:30 min. I liked having people tell me they enjoyed the music. I had people come down and see the setup. In short, I had fun.

But it was to be expected: MY PARENTS DISAPPROVE OF MY NEW HOBBY. I am dead serious. I am 38, professionally succesful and my parents, in their 60's call me up to tell me they "disapprove".

So my mother makes fun of me. She says "you know when snoopy thinks he is the red-baron? with his glasses and his red scarf? but in reality he is just a dog sitting on his dog-house", "yes, mother", "well", she says, " you are kind of like that, you and your DJ'ing, you are not a DJ, you are the father of 4, you just think you are one". When i probe a bit, she claims she is concerned about the fact that the nightlife is full of "loose women and drugs". And then she delivers the dreaded "talk to your father" as if I was 16 again.

I love my parents to death, they are great people. And there, they were just FUNNY. I mean it was precious, I was glad to have parents that care so much. I knew right there, it would be a moment I would remember for a long time.

So my father takes on his grave voice. "This is not a proper occupation for a man your age, with 4 kids"... what can I say... he says "the Georgia Tech thing sounded much better, much more dignified". He then asks me what happened to that, I explain I went there last Friday and that I am going there tomorrow, and that JUST LIKE DJ"ING, GTech is a hobby.

Anyway, I need to find meself a red scarf and some goggles, because on Friday I have my (confirmed) first gig at "El Bar", an underground bar here in ATL. I will be playing the 10-12 slot which SHOULD BE A TON OF FUN!!!!

"Parents just don't understand. "

Go Snoopy!



Eira said…
Hi Mark,
Just found an e-mail post card you have to see. May be you can claim copy-right on the idea :-)|10001|10051|669859|-102001;-102270;66559||P1R6S|ecards
Hope you'll see this comment even though the post is old.
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