Let's see the nails

So I mentioned I started growing my nails in order to be able to mix music using my Lenovo X60 tablet and DJ software. Andy Oliver, a good friend from the JBoss days, wrote in asking to see the "freaky nails". Here you go, Andy O!

On the right you can see "Virtual DJ" in action. It is software developed by a fellow "polytechnicien" in Paris. It is pretty cool actually, very intuitive. I am pressing play on the left deck. You can see the waveform on the top. This particular action does not require a fingertip as the button is pretty large.

On the left you have a close up on one of my nails. You can see the point shape I am trying to give it so I have more accuracy using the touchscreen. It works well. As you can see the arrow follows the tip pretty well.

I am using the fingers not just for the mixing but also as a generic mouse on my tablet. Instead of using the red "button" that poses as a mouse on the IBM/Lenovo laptops, I use my finger to open/close and basically reposition the mouse without having to "travel", I just touch and go. I got to say that the drag and drop operation is difficult. I can scroll using the sides of my nail.

There is another added benefit. I was shopping at DSW and Old Navy today and when the cashier asks you to sign on the little touch screens they have, I just do it with my finger instead of the pen. It freaks them out!

So for those that NEED to work on their nails for technofetichiste purposes, I can totally recommend the new REVLON filer. It's all metallic and with little holes and it does a killer job. However, be warned, filing your nails is a lot of work! Also be ready to have yomama disapprove.


telrod said…
Dude, wtf? You are posting an entry about how you grow you nails? BTW, check out Renegade Soundwave.
adt43wt342 said…
Hey, Telrod!

Thanks for the perspective, you are right, it is out of control :)

That being said, I promised technofetishism, which we now know includes long nails for proper touchscreen management, and random thoughts on the internet porn industry. For "proper financial policy to drive auto-sustained mid-term development in developing contries" see the world bank think tanks or something.

I bet you had a mulet at one point, I bet you talked about it.
Unknown said…
Have you considered to sharpen it like a pencil? You won't be able to take a plane soon ;-)
adt43wt342 said…
ya, if some hot head decides to try and hijack a plane using only his nails, nails will be BANNED on planes. Banned I tell you.
Unknown said…
Dude, you are recommending products by makeup companies. What would Ben say? What I REALLY wanted was you to revise the Mr. CEO stuffed shirt picture on the side with the new freakier version. Kinda shows a progression: TShirt + Kid + stuffed animal ==> Corporate "white men in their black suits they are the machine" look ==> Makeup-boy ;-)...Is this progress? Spectral regression? Metrosexualization? Let the people decide :-)
adt43wt342 said…
Got you!

Shit too late. Well I got some footage from the gig, I might use that, stay tuned.
Anonymous said…
And can you recommend some winter skin products?
Anonymous said…
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