This drawing is making the rounds on the intertubes and I find myself going "mmmm" when I look at it. It stems from a understandable frustration with the banking system but gets the problem and the solution wrong imho. Glass Steagall doesn't say anything about derivatives. Glass Steagall didn't really say anything about derivatives for the very simple reason that they didn't exist back then. Nor are they really the problem From what I remember, GS was mainly about 2 things A/ Separation of commercial and investment banking . The a/ part is pretty straight forward and says commercial banks shouldn't gamble with deposits. Once that gambling is removed then insurance of deposits makes sense. Clinton removed Glass-Steagall under lobbying pressure because large banks wanted to have speculative operations, like traditional investment banks, but also wanted to keep their commercial operations. Note that (for the most part) they were not gambling with ...