Biology's next revolution == AOP
Below is a submission I have sent to Nature magazine in response to a great essay detailing how "Horizontal Gene Transfer", as opposed to mendelian inheritance of genes, is emerging as an important pattern of software evolution in Nature. Basically, biologists are indeed finding that AOP like strategies for software maintenance and evolution are present in nature. I am writing this as a "software practitioner" to help nudge them along what seems like the right path to investigate. Biologists are increasingly talking about "middleware" of nature, the components that seem cross-cutting across the domains of life. Did you know we share 90% of genetic code with mice? Is that that surprising to middleware developers? I will also put a podcast soon with a talk on that topic. Dear Sir, I read with great interest your recent essay on "Biology's next revolution" (Nature vol 445, p 369, 25 January 2007). The emerging pattern you are observing, Hori...