I am turning 40 today

We are having a party with family in Madrid. I feel a bit strange. I feel very lucky to have had what I have had. Great parents and family, great studies, a lucky company that gave me enough to retire at 38 and a fantastic family of my own.

I look forward to the next 20 years.


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday, but... "next 20 years"? Dude, life does not end at 60. How about "next 40 years"? :-)
Matt Asay said…
It's in my calendar now. I won't forget it again. Happy birthday. Glad you didn't go to Real Madrid's tepid win today against Recreativo. But if you could get me Guti's autograph at that restaurant, I won't say no. :-)
Anonymous said…
Dude, life does not end at 60. How about "next 40 years"? :-)

life can end anytime...
Anonymous said…
I was immortal until I turned 40 :-) ...
Anonymous said…
Bon anniversaire espèce de français ;-))

Bon, je tourne 40 dans 15 jours. Compassion infinie...
Ceci dit j'ai 40 et absolument rien construit de ma vie. Là je vais coder un truc de m... alors qu'il est 11h du soir.
Donc, never complain never explain :-)

Bonnes 40 prochaines années
Anonymous said…
Bonne quarantaine Marc (je ne vous connais pas, mais je vous lis régulièrement, et avec plaisir). Il y a deux siècles, à cet âge là, on était un vieillard. Belle époque que la nôtre quand même, non ?
Anonymous said…
Felicitation et bon anniversaire. Je suis pas loin derriere de toute facon, et me rapelle les poisson, le hockey, le freesbie fluo dans les caves. Bonne petite vie jusqu'a present, tres fructueuse.

All the best for the next 40 years. Hope they are as good as the first 40

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