Love ya 2 PTB!

Jules: I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.
--Pulp Fiction

Jonathan Schwartz has this wonderful quote about me in a recent interview 15 minutes with the great man:

Q:Turning to MySQL, how long do you think it will take before MySQL is fully integrated into Sun? We saw with Red Hat and its JBoss acquisition that this can be a slow, laborious process....

A: First, the personalities involved. Let's just say that integrating Marten Mickos into a company might be easier than assimilating a few of the JBoss personalities. Marten is a joy to work with and will make this integration work.

I got to hand it to you Jonathan. You hit the nail on the head. JBoss was full of prima donnas, a lot of them actually; it drove me nuts. My developers were bitching all day long, my executives were even bigger fat cats, my sales guys were testosterone freaks. Even the receptionist had an attitude. You would have thought as a former exotic dancer that she would have been friendly and polite. Not exactly: her favorite quote was "bite me".

I hate to think that you didn't buy JBoss because you didn't like me. I actually like you. You worked for McKinsey! All I got is a Ph.D in Physics. I had a hard time finding a job when I got out of school at 28. McKinsey rejected me after the first interview. They must have sensed that I was beta consulting material. Ironically, the only job I could score was pre-sales phone support with rung below entry level. For three months, I was happy as a pig in shit doing that. Truth be told it was my most fulfilling experience at Sun.

You got a point, I'm probably as good at kissing corporate ass as you are at coding...and I sport a military crew cut.

I love you too,


Anonymous said…
It must just kill you to watch all your great work at Red Hat going up in smoke, Marc... the JBoss community loves you, we want you at the helm!!
Can you tell us what happened Marc, did you leave Red Hat because you were fired, or did you resign? Given what you say here, it sounds like you were pushed out. Is that true? Does this impact the future of JBoss?
Roy Russo said…
Marc, I'm pretty sure Jonathan was referring to me.

Someone does need to tell him that ponytails went out with the 80s.
adt43wt342 said…

I did not do any great work at RHT... There was no place for me in that team. Also if you read my previous post, there is a great opportunity for JBoss *right now* with the acquisition of BEA and the botched EOL of IBM WS. It is theirs to go take. I wish them good luck and refer you to my previous post for a more indepth list of facts.
adt43wt342 said…

hehe, I knew you would bite. At least I was thinking about you when I wrote it.

My favorite "bite me" memory is she was coming back from one of her "2 hour lunches".

you: "wow, A, you take LONG lunches, can I ask where you go? with who?"
her: "bite me, Roy!"

Good times.
Botchagalupe said…
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men."

Atlantawag vs. Valleywag
Anonymous said…
Are you going to tell us, were you fired Marc?
Anonymous said…
LOL Too funny. It's amazing watching Schwartz speak about something he knows nothing about. BTW, I wonder if they will rename MySQL to Sun JavaSQL.
adt43wt342 said…

no I am not going to tell you.

Doesn't make a damn of a difference either.
adt43wt342 said…
he, JavaSQL is a brain dead name. MySQL is a cool name. For all the flak I give PTB, he is good at marketing. Better than some clowns I know of.
Roy Russo said…
Why is everyone so curious on how/why Marc left? Who cares? Can't you all see the man is happy playing video games, meeting DJs, and poking fun at the pinheads in the industry?

I'd even consider trading places with him... except for the DJ part (lame). ;-)
Unknown said…
I think Sun will rename it YourSQL, it's about community man.

JBoss would probably have renamed it OurSQL.
Anil Saldanha said…
Where can I download JavaSQL?
Jason T. Greene said…
Think about it guys, what has Sun *not* renamed to Java. I guess their employees, that's probably coming next.
Anil Saldanha said…
Stop giving hints, Mr. Java T. Greene
Mark Proctor said…
"It must just kill you to watch all your great work at Red Hat going up in smoke"
Not quite. There have been some integration problems, mostly from Red Hat not understanding middleware and the investment promised didn't occur in quite the way we expected. Despite this many projects continue to innovate and flourish. My project Drools is doing fantastically well. Interestingly I will say that it's the personalities that MarcF put together that have allowed JBoss R&D to thrive with such little resources and weather the mistakes Red Hat management have made.
Andrig T Miller said…
Going up in smoke?

Hey, we are growing quarter over quarter, and things look very good for the JBoss division. We are truly becoming an independent division, like we should have been all along, and we are continuing to get investment increases that we need.

Nothing's perfect, but I have to say that we are doing quite well right now.
Matt Asay said…
Hey, I did the interview. I don't think he was taking a swipe at Marc personally. Marc is right: JBoss had LOTS of "difficult" personalities. That's one of the reasons it did so well. Everyone wants to hire these "difficult" personalities now. Why? Because they were difficult. Because they cut against the grain. Because they proved you can do software differently.

Will Zack Urlocker be easier to work with than Roy Russo? Yep. Is that a good or bad thing? It can be both, or neither.

I'm grateful for the JBoss personalities that helped to kickstart the open-source revolution. We're all the beneficiaries.
adt43wt342 said…

You forgot mentioning the kids.... that is what I truly enjoy doing. Also as I have said many times "there wasn't room for me in that executive team". I don't know why people want to read more as this says everything.

I am working on a 6 hour DJ set that will blow your ignorant socks off.

adt43wt342 said…

LOL on ourSQL... think of it MySQL is an appropriate name but with a slight twist :)
adt43wt342 said…
Mark and Andy,

thanks for pitching in on factual "we are doing fine thank you very much". I have been covering this in the past blogs and it is slowly finding its way around. Funny how people want you to fail... well, no, not funny, people have always wanted us to fail.

Mark, I take to heart your comment that "the talent in the JBoss R/D team and the solidity of the business sustained the fumbling of RHT management". It is true that it is a testimony to the resiliency of the division. Hopefully you now get fully funded for what is needed and you can go back to real world domination.
adt43wt342 said…

I love you man, you are so "nice". What is that sentence? "Everybody loves difficult people"? No they don't. I don't love difficult people. Let me put it this way: if you are difficult and talented then most people will put up with you. If you are NOT talented and on top of it you are a jackass, you deserve to get your butt kicked... What RHT needs is "the wolf" right now.

There is something about your American educational system that wants to believe that everybody is talented and special. Most people are average, by definition of average.

You want those few superstars that work well together. Give me a few superstar salesmen and developers any day over an army of systemically mediocre zombies.

You like soccer. Put Beckham and Zidane in front of 1000 penguins. Who do you think will win?

Remember when we saw PTB leaving eht javitz center getting in that limo at Linux world:)

Glad to hear things are going well from the development team, there is opportunity out there for JBoss right now without a doubt. I miss you guys, it would be nice to get the band back together to put websphere out to pasture for good:)

For the record, I was one of the difficult people:)

Jason T. Greene said…
"I will say that it's the personalities that MarcF put together that have allowed JBoss R&D to thrive"

Amen Mark. Unlike what Schwatz implies, we did/do want this to succeed.

"You like soccer. Put Beckham and Zidane in front of 1000 penguins. Who do you think will win?"

Man that would be fun to see.
adt43wt342 said…

you were the epitome of talent with attitude...
Anonymous said…
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